Dude! Stop trying to loose weight yeh. just yolo! because if ya don't your gonna regret it big time. you want to just be free blud. Orite? bitches be getting in a mess cos ya think your a Fat lass but ya aint, your bootiful and canny. Trust me hun there aint nout wrong wiv you, honest pet. just chill mate you need to calm down and just have some banter, relax and be reem. And remember what ever happens you will always have ya swag (hashtag) yolo
3rd person- this would be aimed at an older more sophisticated teenager or adult. more likely to be aimed at soceoeconimc groups ABC 1
please stop trying to loose weight and be happy. its as if life isn't bad enough and then you go fret and worry your self about this silly diet. you are not big and you are not to skinny you are a normal size and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. if you keep up with this and try get skinnier than you are you could get a horrible illness like anorexia. but please just calm down and relax have a nice cup of tea and think about everyone that loves you for who you are like your family and friends. thanks.
i have decided that my magazine should be like the second paragraph because it is more aimed at my target audience.