Thursday, 26 September 2013

photography angles/focus


I used manual focus on the camera this was so I could focus it my self and make sure it was the focus I wanted. Although this does mean that there where some that where blurry I needed to show my skills with the camera. I didn’t learn loads of new things because I did a lot of photography in graphics but I am hoping to learn more things as we geo further on in my media classes. I learnt that the t stance really lets you get the angle you want on the picture; you can lung forward and get closer to the model. I learnt that it’s slightly harder to take a photo portrait than land cape because you have to hold the camera in a different position to what you are used to.  If I had done my photo landscape it would not of worked because it would have been too short for my magazine. I did take one image landscape and then when I tried to put in on Photoshop it didn’t work, as it would miss half of the background of the magazine. Most of my images where in focus, 1 in 7 where not this is because I didn’t quiet get it right with the zoom and I moved slightly.

I learnt that there are three different types of lighting – back this is where the sun is behind, Side this is where the light is from one side so it gives a shadow to one half of the face. Front this is where the light is shining directly above or in front of the subject. We used a lot of font lighting for our photos but there are a few that have back lighting. We thought that side lighting would not work because we wanted him to look powerful. They where well composed in all of the photos and most of the shots where at the right eye line. We tried several different backgrounds e.g. trees and walls; this was to make it look more authentic. It causes a problem a little with the trees as it was covering the light too much. I made sure my subject was focused and made sure he was really involved in the photo and made him look important. I think my people skills where ok I think I could have been a little bit calmer but I really wanted to get the shots right.

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